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Tuesday, February 25, 2020

A Public Apology

From the National Affairs Desk-

Hey all, Metro here. I would like to take this moment to apologize for not doing my traditional Hamtramck Music Fest preview of each band. My only real coverage of this year's event was me asking where the money was going this year, a few posts back. They have since corrected it and once again it is going to the schools. You're welcome for readers who care about things like that.

As for me I have been hunkered down in the JCMsTown Compound after 3 separate doctor visits last week. This would have actually given me the time to preview the acts playing the Fest, but I just didn't have it in me. This year's Fest has the least amount of buzz I have ever seen, so why bother? I did consider breaking out the Hazmat suit to get my money's worth and covering the Fest itself, but there is nobody I want to see. We are at rock bottom as a music community and it is all just boring. Like this post. Everybody stay healthy. Sorry.

In crowdsourcing news I do not endorse:
Sheefy is asking all white people to give a dollar to his cashme because of Black History Month. Fuck off. Just another example of begging in the year 2020. I thought he was banking by fake selling art. Guess not. Anyway I would look into it if cashme allowed for the "dollar bill trick".

Even worse are the Amino Acids who have a half-assed GoFundMe set up to scrap together a record that nobody is asking for. However, they are asking for $3500. Fuck off. Four grown adults playing lame space characters can't get 3k together to put out a record that'll end up in the red anyway. Yeah fly me to the moon and sign me up. Losers.  I'm not including either link because your money can be used for better things than an artist living in the land of hyperbole or a group of hasbeens who can't even put forth an effort into a semi-decent GoFundMe page....

From the Iceman Commeth,
Bryan Metro


Bob Nix said...

No HMF rundown!? This is, by far, the biggest disappointment of 2020. And it's not even March yet

Bryan Metro said...

I had a couple percentage points of motivation. Then I brought up the Thursday lineup. Dear...….god. Nobody is going to this aside from the other bands picking up their wristbands. Cue the blaming the weather narrative.

Bob Nix said...

Egads! You're right. Of the 639 bands, I'd make an effort to see three and they're all playing at the exact same time on Saturday. So...pass.

Bryan Metro said...

The venues tonight may have people but they are the bands playing picking up their wristbands. I don't see a casual fan paying $15 for that. I wanted to go cover it (in hazmat suit) and try to photo essay the newer acts that were all lumped togather at venues nobody is going to anyway. I see this being a dud with a ready made excuse, "Oh the weather."
