Been thinking about Metro and the void a lot lately.
Are you there? Read a Xmas card from 2023 & 2021 respectively. Laughed. Got some wwf wrestling cards.
Been living and working in Ohio for the past 5-6 years.
Rebuilt a recording studio. Just finally getting back to it after the void. Who knows how long it will take??
The only person that seems to play music in Detroit anymore is Woodman. Maybe I’m out of touch.
Excited for nick cave at Masonic.
Excited for jack white at Masonic.
Would like to complete the last album, but it’s so tough. Have one posthumous Metro song to complete. The hardest.
Hey Chabot is back and is a deluge of an echo chamber of whining about things he can’t control and futile self promotion. Seems like a good and caring dad.
How time sorts things.
This is the game that moves as you play.
Born Evil
Hey Metro! How’s my grammar/spelling this time?
Tears and love.
I never know how to act when this blog makes me cry. Tears in the rain. It's okay if it takes some time for you to finish the studio and the album and the song... Just as long as you do. Hey Chabot popped up on my Fakebook "people you may know" list and so did the Hardest Lesson to lessen Augie (Oogie) Vee. I thought it was Metro playing a joke. Last week a coworker of mine went looking for JCM on YouTube and reported back that you guys reminded him of the Stooges. Again Metro winks. Everything is a simulation. And when Nick Cave sings "Lavender Fields," you know that is Metro, too. JCM forever. Metro forever
I miss Metro too. Hugs to you guys, thanks for the post!
Randomly checking the blog and find this! Good to hear from you Big man.
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