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Thursday, March 7, 2013

Moving Forward

Hey Slurries,
It's been quite the busy week over here at the JCM Lavender HQ.  So far we've bitched about Bleached, outed the Jamaican Queens, and Deastro'ed CJonst.  So where does that leave us?
Well, now that we're getting back into the swing of things, I am pleased to say that we will now be doing daily updates instead of the normal monthly one's.  What type of content can you look forward to?  You tell us! 
Want more free new music downloads from the Checker's label?  You got it!
How about some more chapter previews of my debut novel, "The Invisible People"?  I can do that!  Hmmm, does some more fraud exposing, hypocrite announcing, truth seeking sound good to you?  Sounds good to me! 
Our most popular period during the Lavender's five year history was when I was running the daily pop culture lists.  Want some more of those?  Survey says, Yep! 
Or perhaps you would be interested in us making fun of someone that is physically different from us.  Too easy! 
The fact is, you never know whats around the corner so keep your eyes open..

From the Iceman Commeth,
Bryan Metro

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks Gomer
