It's the eve of the first day of October and I'm waivering on whether or not I'm going to do the daily movie review. Noone cares except our sycophants. I take a look at Facebook for the first time in a long time. The self promotion monsters that are my friends disgust me. Noone cares except our sycophants. What is the point of creating all this music, media, and art? If fame is the game we're in the wrong city. If it's an ego boost, doesn't that get old after a certain age or after the 800th performance to a room with maybe 20 people you are directly or Inderectly acquainted with? All the back patting and ass kissing is just a giant suckfest that makes me shudder whenever witnessed. The only time we made a worthwhile monetary return was when we knew nobody, hated everybody, and mercilessly preached our opinion on this inconsequential purple blog with yellow arial font. Hip in detroit is just the worst. Anyone that says otherwise is full of shit. The new metro times double wide is pretty close in suckitude. Everything is shit. Everything is an upvote on reddit, a like on Facebook, a repost on tumblr. Everyone wants the reacharound but they don't want to take it up the ass to get there. I hate all of you. Your music is subpar if not unlistenable. You can hardly frame a complete sentence. I'm not saying we're any better. The human centipede of ass kissing is pathetic. But hey, noone cares except our sycophants.
Dash -